Medical Specialist Centre Development

Two specialist hospitals in Bintulu augurs well with this promotion. Bintulu will become a focus for those around the Borneo island or South east Asia region to seek for quality health treatment and services, which would also benefit the local people.towards nature and local culture promotion, is expected to get a boost through the establishment of several specialists hospitals. To date, Bintulu is served by a general hospital, which is also the first in Malaysia to have a burns specialist unit. In addition, the operation of Columbia Asia Specialist hospital and Bintulu Medical Centre will promote a new form of attraction the health tourism.
The tourism industry in Bintulu, which is at present is very much inclined towards nature and local culture promotion, is expected to get a boost through the establishment of several specialists hospitals. To date, Bintulu is served by a general hospital, which is also the first in Malaysia to have a burns specialist unit. In addition, the operation of Columbia Asia Specialist hospital and Bintulu Medical Centre will promote a new form of attraction the health tourism.